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The Squiggle Game introduced to Endeavor's 5th Graders

The Squiggle Game introduced to Endeavor's 5th Graders

In Endeavor's 5th grade Enrichment Group led by Gifted Intervention Specialist (GIS) Stephanie Fulmer, they played The Squiggle Game! Students were given the same “squiggle” shape and were given 5 minutes to apply elements of creativity (fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration) to develop a creative idea on their own. After time was up, students worked in small groups to share their ideas with each other and discuss how they used the elements of creativity as they developed their ideas. Why this is skill is important: Creativity drives innovation. While this skill comes easily for some, many logical thinkers have difficulty stretching this part of their brain. Letting students take part in creative thinking activities can help them approach classroom writing activities and projects in new and innovative ways.


  • gifted