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Staff Directory

Please use the staff directory to search for and contact an individual staff member directly. If you do not see a staff member listed or need their phone number, please contact the school's office.

To search for district staff members, visit the district staff directory.

If you do not receive the assistance you need from a school or individual staff member, visit the Lakota Listens page to submit your question or concern to a specific department. 

School Staff Directory

An alphabetical listing is below or you can find a staff member by entering a keyword in the box (for example, you can search by last name or by a job title such as teacher).

Important Note: During the summer months especially, as the district is making staffing adjustments for the upcoming school year, the staff directory may not reflect accurate staff titles and locations until closer to the start of the school year.

1 2 3 5 > showing 1 - 24 of 100 constituents

Linda Abbott

Teacher, Music

Taylor Anderson


Belkees Ashishi

Child Nutrition

Taghreed Barazi


Kayla Barnes

Teacher - ESL

Cynthia Bellman

Teacher - Speech Therapist

Brandy Berry

Assistant Principal

Zoe Bishop

Teacher - ESL - LTS

Rita Bitzer


Emily Blevins


Lisa Bowra

Teacher ESL

Elizabeth Brown

Teacher - Teacher Leader

Allison Calhoun

Mindpeace - Therapist

Kennedee Card


Kris Chan

Instructional Aide - Special Ed

Morgan Chase


Hasta Chhetri


Tarinae Crosley

Instructional Aide - Special Ed

Samantha Crowl

Instructional Aide

Heather Davidson

Instructional Aide - Special Ed

Megan DePaola

Community Liaison

Emily DeSalvo


Teresa Elabbassi


Kaniz Fatima

Child Nutrition
1 2 3 5 > showing 1 - 24 of 100 constituents