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Group of adults standing behind a sign that reads %22Thank You PTO%22

A Message from the President

The Hopewell Early Childhood School PTO is a nonprofit group of parents, teachers and staff dedicated to improving the educational experience of all students at Hopewell ECS. We strive to build a strong community within our school that will transfer out of the walls of Hopewell into our neighborhood communities. This group is parent led and works very closely with the school to meet our goals. Our goals are to:

  • Encourage interaction between family and school;
  • Serve as a source of support; and
  • Work with teachers, staff, and the community at large to improve our children's educational experience. 

We are only as strong and effective as our members, so we encourage families to get involved with PTO. Participating and volunteering with the PTO is a great way to get involved with the school. Please consider helping in any way that fits your schedule. The amount of time you spend participating in PTO activities is up to your discretion; anything is greatly appreciated.

You can find information regarding our monthly meetings, upcoming events and ways to volunteer in the PTO section of the weekly email from Hopewell's principal. You can always contact us anytime at


Sarah Messner
Hopewell ECS PTO President

Meet Our Board

President Sarah Messner
Secretary Michelle Anderson
treasurer Jennifer Todd


PTO Meetings & Events

PTO News

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Contact Us

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WE are here to help! Please direct all Summer School questions to